Obstructive sleep apnoea treatments | Top solutions to combat sleep apnoea.

Health & Medical Blog

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that causes people to stop breathing while they sleep. It is often associated with relaxation of the tongue and airway muscles, which closes up the airway. Sleep apnoea is a serious condition that will cause a multitude of health-related problems. Those with OSA have about a 7-fold higher risk of death and disease regardless of the severity of the disease, age or history of heart problems. It may also be directly fatal if the airway obstruction is severe enough. Due to this, ensure that you take appropriate measures to combat OSA when you are diagnosed. Here are some effective sleep apnoea solutions you should consider.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy.

This is the most effective treatment solution for sleep apnoea. It consists of a small device that is affixed to a mask which is then worn over the mouth and nose. The machine pumps a continuous stream of air into the airway while you sleep. The air acts as a 'pneumatic flint' that supports the tissues of your airway, making sure they don't close up. The air stream can be pumped at variable pressures depending on the severity of your OSA, and it is just strong enough to do its job without causing discomfort.

Make appropriate lifestyle changes.

The moment you are diagnosed with sleep apnoea, start considering various lifestyle changes to facilitate your comfort. Obesity is the most common cause of OSA in adults due to the additional soft tissue around the throat and mouth. Participating in an aggressive weight-loss program will do wonders: either curing your OSA completely or reducing its symptoms. Also, avoid drinking alcohol, especially before you sleep. It encourages relaxation of your throat muscles and will worsen your OSA. Quit cigarette smoking, or seek rehabilitation if you're addicted. The smoke causes swelling in the upper airway that worsens sleep apnoea.

Oral appliance therapy.

These are dental appliances that are inserted into your mouth to keep the muscles of your airway from closing up. They work by repositioning the tongue and jaw. This is to support the lower jaw in a forward position to prevent collapse of the tongue and soft tissue of the throat. They are normally used to treat mild-to-moderate OSA if CPAP therapy fails. In severe cases, they may be used in conjunction with CPAP. They are most effective for those with regular dentition. Restore your teeth before considering oral appliance therapy if you have poor dentition.


This is a last resort when other treatments don't work. A procedure called Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is typically performed. It involves removal of the tonsils, the uvula and other soft tissue to keep the throat open. However, it carries the risk of complications or infection.


17 August 2016

Picture Of Health: A Blog About Medical Matters

Hey there. My name is Wade, and I have been a first aid volunteer for the past twenty years. Most weekends you will find me at football games, rodeos, agricultural shows or fun runs. I really love being able to help at these events and provide the necessary level of assistance. As a first responder, my medical role is very limited, but, many injured people do contact me to give thanks after they recover. This has further sparked my interest in health and medicine. I love watching medical shows and reading basic texts to gain a greater understanding of particular medical problems. I'm sure there are others like me who take an amateur interest in health and medical matters. I started this blog to share intriguing information I come across. I hope you find my topics fascinating and instructive. Thank you for dropping by.