Protect Your Back During Exercise

Health & Medical Blog

Treatment by a trained osteopath is an effective way to treat lower back pain, as recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Using drug-free techniques, an osteopath is able to manipulate the joints and limbs to identify a range of issues from neck pain and headaches, to lower back and joint pain. However, prevention is better than cure, so taking a number of precautions prior to and during any strenuous weight lifting sessions can reduce the likelihood of pain and injury.

Wearing a back support in the form of a weight lifting belt is a good way to provide additional stability to the spine and stop it from hyper-flexing and extending. A weight lifting belt is wrapped around the waist and compresses the mid-section. This allows enough movement to ensure you can use the correct lifting technique during exercises such as squats and deadlifts, but should you find that your centre of gravity shifts due to poor posture and improper weight balance, the belt will compensate for the muscles that are overworked and stop the opposing muscles from being over-stretched. 

Another way to protect your spine is to tense your abdominal muscles whenever lifting heavy weights. Again, this acts like the belt because the air that is inhaled and held within the lungs acts like a balloon. The pressure in the body caused by the diaphragm stops the muscles and vertebrae from essentially collapsing in on themselves by pushing outwards and creating a stable base. Along with good posture in the legs, you should be able to lift much heavier weights safely and more easily. 

Warming up your muscles increases blood circulation and increases the elasticity of the muscle fibres. Along with a solid core, having muscles that have a bit of 'give' to them means that you are less likely to tear or strain muscles. This is a common issue when training with tools such as kettlebells, as these require the body to quickly adapt its centre of balance to remain stable. These quick micro-shifts help to develop overall stability; however, if you are not warmed up properly these can cause pain through overuse. To effectively warm up, spend five to ten minutes moving the body using a variety of bodyweight and lightweight movements that replicate the exercises you are about to perform. It may also be a good idea to use a cardio machine to increase blood flow and warm the muscles first. 


15 September 2016

Picture Of Health: A Blog About Medical Matters

Hey there. My name is Wade, and I have been a first aid volunteer for the past twenty years. Most weekends you will find me at football games, rodeos, agricultural shows or fun runs. I really love being able to help at these events and provide the necessary level of assistance. As a first responder, my medical role is very limited, but, many injured people do contact me to give thanks after they recover. This has further sparked my interest in health and medicine. I love watching medical shows and reading basic texts to gain a greater understanding of particular medical problems. I'm sure there are others like me who take an amateur interest in health and medical matters. I started this blog to share intriguing information I come across. I hope you find my topics fascinating and instructive. Thank you for dropping by.