How A Physiotherapist Can Help During The Different Stages Of Parkinson's Disease

Health & Medical Blog

Those with Parkinson's tend to face different challenges during the early, mid and late stages of the disease. Common motor symptoms, such as tremors, muscle stiffness and slowness, can limit your mobility and your ability to carry out daily household tasks, but physiotherapy can help you prolong your independence. Here's an overview of how a physiotherapist can help during the different stages of Parkinson's disease:

Physically Well

In the early stages of Parkinson's when you have no physical limitations, you may be wondering what the point of seeing a physiotherapist would be. The goal would be to retain your physical health for as long as possible, and your physiotherapist will work with you on this goal using simple exercises to keep your joints mobile and supple and strengthen your muscles. They will teach you targeted exercises you can do anywhere, and they will help you develop a suitable aerobic exercise regime. Those with Parkinson's have low levels of dopamine, and aerobic exercise can increase dopamine levels when undertaken regularly, as exercise stimulates your nervous system.

Physical Limitations

If your condition has progressed to the point where you have physical limitations, such as poor balance and diminished muscle strength, your physiotherapist will teach you new ways of moving to accomplish everyday tasks and show you different ways you can get yourself back up onto your feet if you lose your balance and fall. If you find it difficult to get out of a chair or worry about losing your balance when you're out for a walk or doing the grocery shopping, your self-confidence can suffer. In addition to showing you modified ways of moving your body from one position to another, the physiotherapist can show you mobility aids that can help you retain your independence. For example, a walking stick with a pull-out seat allows you to sit down wherever you are if you feel weak, and a bath board allows you to sit while you shower, which removes the risk of you losing your balance when sanding in the bath.


If your mobility is reduced to the point of being bedbound, a physiotherapist can visit you at home. Sluggish circulation and respiratory problems are common in those who are bedbound, and your physiotherapist will show you and the person caring for you how to clear phlegm with breathing exercises and how to keep your blood circulating well by regularly altering your position. For example, raising your legs above your heart several times a day will encourage any blood that's pooling in your legs to move toward your heart.

If you'd like to discuss your health with a physiotherapist, book a consultation. They will assess your musculoskeletal system, take details of your current symptoms and propose a treatment plan.


30 November 2016

Picture Of Health: A Blog About Medical Matters

Hey there. My name is Wade, and I have been a first aid volunteer for the past twenty years. Most weekends you will find me at football games, rodeos, agricultural shows or fun runs. I really love being able to help at these events and provide the necessary level of assistance. As a first responder, my medical role is very limited, but, many injured people do contact me to give thanks after they recover. This has further sparked my interest in health and medicine. I love watching medical shows and reading basic texts to gain a greater understanding of particular medical problems. I'm sure there are others like me who take an amateur interest in health and medical matters. I started this blog to share intriguing information I come across. I hope you find my topics fascinating and instructive. Thank you for dropping by.