A Guide On Asbestos Audits

Health & Medical Blog

As the owner of a commercial building, you have an obligation to keep occupants and your employees safe. One thing to watch out for is asbestos. The material releases fibres that cause illnesses, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, and pleural thickening. However, how do you tell that the property contains asbestos? The Australian government recommends regular asbestos audits in commercial buildings. Below is a comprehensive blog about asbestos audits. 

What Are Asbestos Audits? 

An asbestos audit is an assessment that identifies the presence of asbestos in a building. Buildings built in the 20th century before the asbestos ban could contain the material. The problem with asbestos is that it could be on the walls, roof, floor, doors, and insulation. Simply put, the material could be in any part of your building. An asbestos audit is your best bet at identifying the presence of asbestos on your property or premises. 

Are Asbestos Audits Compulsory? 

Asbestos audits are compulsory in Australia since Occupational Health and Safety Regulations compel property or business owners to guarantee the safety of occupants. As a principle, you must hire an accredited asbestos auditor or auditing company to perform the assessment. You can check your state website to identify companies and individuals permitted to conduct asbestos audits. Besides certification, you must ensure that the auditor has the required safety gear and reasonable terms and pricing. An excellent reputation will also come in handy. 

What Should You Expect During An Asbestos Audit?    

Once you hire an asbestos auditor, they inspect the building and assess construction plans to determine the locations they are likely to find asbestos. For instance, it is easy to identify an asbestos roof. On the other hand, construction plans could help the auditor determine whether the property has asbestos fire doors or insulation. The auditor then takes samples from different parts of your building and sends them to an asbestos lab for testing. 

Once the samples are tested, the auditor generates a report explaining the volume, type, and location of asbestos on the property. The details of this report are then lodged into the asbestos register. The register also contains an asbestos management plan that explains the measures that the property or business owner will take to mitigate asbestos risks on the property. For instance, they could decide to remove friable asbestos immediately and abate non-friable asbestos-containing materials at specified intervals. It is important to note that you must hire a certified abatement company if you intend to remove any asbestos on your commercial property. 

Contact a company like Health Safety Environment Australia to learn more. 


9 September 2022

Picture Of Health: A Blog About Medical Matters

Hey there. My name is Wade, and I have been a first aid volunteer for the past twenty years. Most weekends you will find me at football games, rodeos, agricultural shows or fun runs. I really love being able to help at these events and provide the necessary level of assistance. As a first responder, my medical role is very limited, but, many injured people do contact me to give thanks after they recover. This has further sparked my interest in health and medicine. I love watching medical shows and reading basic texts to gain a greater understanding of particular medical problems. I'm sure there are others like me who take an amateur interest in health and medical matters. I started this blog to share intriguing information I come across. I hope you find my topics fascinating and instructive. Thank you for dropping by.