
What Are Damon Braces and Reasons to Consider Them


In years past, the main treatment option available for orthodontic therapy was metal braces. Although these dental braces would get the job done, they came with an array of inconveniences such as pain and being conspicuous. As such, you would find adults who require tooth straightening would steer clear from orthodontic treatment simply due to aesthetics. In this day and age, there are an array of options you can consider ranging from Invisalign braces to Damon braces.

29 July 2016

Resolving cycles of poor communication


Most marriages face external stressors at different points which can affect how the participants interact with each other. Once poor communication starts (whether not communicating enough, or communicating in disrespectful ways), it can become a vicious cycle of hard to change habits and can be very damaging to a marriage. Mariage counselling can help to fix some of these communication issues.  Active listening One of the poor communication habits which can arise is failing to listen to the other person respectfully.

29 July 2016

3 Fruits That Can Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

Health & Medical Blog

Without clean and white teeth, it is not easy to smile or laugh when everyone else around you is laughing. But the importance of white teeth goes beyond cracking jokes and laughing with your buddies; it is also important for self-esteem. White and clean teeth create a feel-good factor about oneself. Before you visit your dentist for a tooth whitening procedure, try the following methods first. 1. Cleanse Your Teeth With Lemon Juice

29 July 2016

How Technology Can Come to Your Rescue If You Are Losing Your Hearing

Health & Medical Blog

There's nothing worse than straining to hear people talk during the course of a day-to-day conversation. This may be a sign that you are starting to lose your hearing, which is often associated with advancing age. Yet you don't need to suffer, as there have been many improvements in recent times due to advances in technology. Products that you can use today are not the same as in your parent's generation.

19 July 2016