Skin Clinic | 3 Ways To Get Rid Of Premature Age Spots On Your Skin


Age spots are blackish and brownish spots that occur prematurely when your sun is exposed to skin often without enough protection. These spots typically occur because your skin is producing excess melanin through increased sun exposure or natural ageing. When you notice signs of age spots, visit your skin clinic immediately. Your dermatologist may recommend these ways to get rid of premature age spots on your skin. Your Dermatologist Will Prescribe Bleaching Creams And Medications

18 August 2016

Obstructive sleep apnoea treatments | Top solutions to combat sleep apnoea.

Health & Medical Blog

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that causes people to stop breathing while they sleep. It is often associated with relaxation of the tongue and airway muscles, which closes up the airway. Sleep apnoea is a serious condition that will cause a multitude of health-related problems. Those with OSA have about a 7-fold higher risk of death and disease regardless of the severity of the disease, age or history of heart problems.

17 August 2016

Why Physiotherapy Is Ideal For Everybody

Health & Medical Blog

When some people consider physiotherapy, they falsely assume that this is a treatment option used specifically for athletes. Although athletes do benefit from physiotherapy, it is not exclusive to them. Physiotherapy is a form of treatment that deals with the reduction of muscle pain, joint pain and even respiratory issues. As such, you too can benefit from setting an appointment with a physiotherapist if you feel that your physical state is not as good as it should be.

16 August 2016

Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Prevention And Treatment Approaches


Diabetic foot ulcers are a fairly common complication of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They occur due to nerve damage caused by peripheral neuropathy, which is another common complication of diabetes. When the nerves in your feet are damaged, you can experience numbness that stops you feeling cuts, bruises or blisters. Without prompt cleaning and care, these minor injuries can turn into ulcers in diabetics as a result of poor circulation and slow healing associated with the condition.

12 August 2016

Sore Feet After Running? Maybe It's Time to Make A "Movie" About It

Health & Medical Blog

Is it natural for your feet to hurt after you go running? This is a difficult question to answer. Sometimes the sheer intensity of your run can result in aching feet afterwards, even when you wear appropriate footwear and don't have any known pre-existing issues with your feet. But what if your feet hurt more than you feel should be usual? The pain and discomfort might have resulted in you trying a few different pairs of running shoes, with each pair more elaborate than the last (and probably more expensive too).

10 August 2016

Be prepared if your baby may need to go to ICU after a caesarean section

Health & Medical Blog

When your baby is born by an emergency caesarean section, there is a chance the paediatrician may send her to the neo-natal intensive care unit, even for a few hours. Babies are routinely placed in a head box, which is a partial incubator that only covers the baby's head. This is usually simply a precaution and your baby will be brought to you fairly soon. If your baby needs more attention, he will be put in a full incubator in the ICU.

29 July 2016

Denture Care Tips for Live-in Carers

Health & Medical Blog

Among the many responsibilities a carer has for an elderly individual living at home, caring for a patient's dentures can be one of them. As well as seeing to it that your patients attend regular check ups and necessary treatment, it is good to know how to care for and maintain their dentures on a daily basis. As a carer, the following denture and oral care tips may prove helpful in ensuring comfort and long wear for patients with dentures.

29 July 2016