Is Your Diet Making Your Fingers Swollen in the Mornings?


If you wake up some mornings and your fingers look fatter than usual, then you may worry about what is going on. Your fingers look a little sausage-like to start with when you get up but they gradually go back to their normal size as the day goes on. This kind of bloating happens for various reasons. In some cases, it is down to your diet. How could your diet be making your fingers swell overnight?

3 January 2020

Preventing Back Pain and Building a Strong Core


When undertaking a heavy strength training workout it is important to protect your back at all times. Without proper muscular support and suitable training gear, you could be putting yourself at unnecessary risk, which is likely to lead to lower back pain and long periods of time away from the gym. Any smart bodybuilder will understand the need to invest time and effort in utilising the correct lifting technique, strengthen the core and make suitable investments in proper lifting shoes and a weight belt.

30 November 2016

What You Ought To Know About Using Steroids for Arthritis


When suffering from arthritis, you could choose to use steroid injections to combat the pain. In addition to this, if you were to inject steroids, you would also be relieving the symptoms that come with arthritis. In past years, the steroids that were used to relieve arthritis used to be administered orally. In some cases, the individual would have to undergo surgery. People who would suffer from severe knee arthritis may even have to have knee braces put in to alleviate the symptoms.

14 September 2016

When can my child start wearing contact lenses?


While prescription glasses have been getting much lighter and easier to care for over the last few years as technology has improved, many children still do not enjoy wearing glasses. If your child is asking whether they can switch to contact lenses you might be wondering when this will be possible.  Are they are big enough? While the eyeballs don't change size as dramatically as other parts of the body, it's important that a contact lens wearer has large enough eyelids to comfortably be able to place the lens on the eye.

24 August 2016

Skin Clinic | 3 Ways To Get Rid Of Premature Age Spots On Your Skin


Age spots are blackish and brownish spots that occur prematurely when your sun is exposed to skin often without enough protection. These spots typically occur because your skin is producing excess melanin through increased sun exposure or natural ageing. When you notice signs of age spots, visit your skin clinic immediately. Your dermatologist may recommend these ways to get rid of premature age spots on your skin. Your Dermatologist Will Prescribe Bleaching Creams And Medications

18 August 2016

Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Prevention And Treatment Approaches


Diabetic foot ulcers are a fairly common complication of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They occur due to nerve damage caused by peripheral neuropathy, which is another common complication of diabetes. When the nerves in your feet are damaged, you can experience numbness that stops you feeling cuts, bruises or blisters. Without prompt cleaning and care, these minor injuries can turn into ulcers in diabetics as a result of poor circulation and slow healing associated with the condition.

12 August 2016

Age-Related Hearing Loss: What Is It, and Can it Be Prevented?


Presbycusis, otherwise known as age-related hearing loss, happens to many people as they get older, with the worse affected gender being men. In Australia, it is estimated that 35% of men aged 65-74 and 50% of men aged over 75 have significant hearing loss; about 18% of women aged 65-74 have the same problem, rising to 35% in women over 75. Presbycusis doesn't happen suddenly; it starts slowly and, at first, affects the ability to hear high-pitched (higher frequency) sounds.

29 July 2016

Is Your Child A Pokemon Go Addict? Preventative Physiotherapy Now Will Save Them From Medical Problems Later


If your child is wandering around the neighbourhood looking for Bulbasaur and the other 150 characters that make up the new Pokemon Go game, you are no doubt delighted at the sudden burst of enthusiasm to get outdoors. However, if you notice an increase in complaints about neck pain and headaches, then their new found craze is having a negative impact. Preventative physiotherapy now could save you from big medical bills later, and these are the points you need to know.

29 July 2016

What Are Damon Braces and Reasons to Consider Them


In years past, the main treatment option available for orthodontic therapy was metal braces. Although these dental braces would get the job done, they came with an array of inconveniences such as pain and being conspicuous. As such, you would find adults who require tooth straightening would steer clear from orthodontic treatment simply due to aesthetics. In this day and age, there are an array of options you can consider ranging from Invisalign braces to Damon braces.

29 July 2016

Resolving cycles of poor communication


Most marriages face external stressors at different points which can affect how the participants interact with each other. Once poor communication starts (whether not communicating enough, or communicating in disrespectful ways), it can become a vicious cycle of hard to change habits and can be very damaging to a marriage. Mariage counselling can help to fix some of these communication issues.  Active listening One of the poor communication habits which can arise is failing to listen to the other person respectfully.

29 July 2016